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  • Writer's pictureGift Nkabinde

Why Creamy Cosmo though?🤷🏾‍♂️

If you reading this now, you just in time. In time for what, you might ask yourself. Well, you just in time for me to let you in on a secret. Here it is.

I don't have a single idea of what we are doing!

That is the honest truth. What do I know about starting a business? I mean, worst yet; what do I know about ice cream, and a perfect structure of a world class dessert? Nothing, that's the secret guys. But come to think of it, do major corporations and "giants of industry" ever really know what they are doing? If you asked Bill Gates, the late great Steve Jobs or Walt Disney how they did it with Microsoft, Apple and well, Walt Disney. Did they just wake up from they're deep and "Odin Sleep" level slumber, command the universe to miraculously create an idea that would change the fabric of our existence? I hope not, cause if that's the case, I need to sleep better.

No, they didn't really know what they were doing. (Don't believe me, check out all they're true life stories and let me know😉). It all stemmed from either a demand that needed to be met, an idea that no one else had or a pre-existing idea that needed little 👌🏾tweak to make it what it is today. Whatever it was, that is why we have Creamy Cosmo today.

Gift Nkabinde, 28 y/o. Cosmo City, Randburg Gauteng. A young black kid who was born in Pretoria and has been moving from town to town, suburb to suburb. And now Cosmo City. That's my intro if you were wondering.😁

Now back to why Creamy Cosmo. I've work retail for over 5 to 6 years and the idea of picking up petition fund from a clothing store sort of had my insides run cold. Plus, I wanted something different for my future kids, and for my girl to no longer have to awake each morning, dreading the taxi ride from Gomora (Alex) to Sandton, for a job in retail that she is slowly but surely growing sick of. Why do I add her here, cause she is Simangele Zwane, co-owner of Creamy Cosmo. We are a young couple with desires to make a change in our lives, change in the community of Cosmo City, and of course big change in our pockets.💰 That's why Creamy Cosmo.

We have no idea what we doing, but the best part is that something is being done. And I guess that's the best place to start. The "Rona" has all of us feeling uncertain about our future, and living in fear day by day😷. But with every Ying, there is a Yang, and with every lemon, there is lemonade. And that is ultimately why we have Creamy Cosmo.🍨

Each week, I'll be blogging and posting about the business and a sneak peek into the mind of an accidental business owner. No cap, the hustle and grind is real, but worth it in the end.

With that being said, Welcome to Creamy Cosmo. Grab a seat and don't forget to comment and share to your loved ones and such and such.😎

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